15 DIY hacks to tackle foul odors at home

15 DIY hacks to tackle foul odors at home

When you remain indoors for longer, you tend to notice a few odors around the house. At first, these smells may not seem so overwhelming. But leaving this problem unchecked can have foul repercussions. Also, why breathe in unhealthy air when you can explore simple DIY hacks and odor-blocking ideas readily available for use? Here are the top 15 things to do at home to ensure the air around the house stays pure and fresh.

Baking soda to the rescue
Odors are generally emitted from damp, dirty, and dingy corners of the home or the kitchen when preparing food. Baking soda does a wonderful job of absorbing odors. It is cheap, can be bought in bulk, and all you need to do is sprinkle some around the house in hidden corners. Repeat this exercise every week to maximize its potency.

Make some natural air fresheners
You can use plenty of simple everyday-use ingredients from the pantry to make a DIY natural air freshener. Vinegar, lemon water, baking soda, coffee grounds, and even vanilla extracts are potent solutions for odor repellents and can be placed in bowls around the house.

Use potpourri
One of the most commonly used ingredients for this job is potpourri. It is readily available from supermarkets, or you can make your own using a bunch of natural-smelling ingredients. Place these pots around the house to allow the material to absorb odors.

Use dried herbs
Common herbs like bay leaf, sage, and olive branches can also help disperse a pleasant smell around the house. You can collect a few of these dried herbs and bunch them together to hang them in the kitchen or a room to mask odors. These herbs are readily available and can be replenished as and when needed.

Try activated charcoal
Activated charcoal can absorb odors from usual places, including your kitchen and near the garbage disposal areas. Buy a pound of this material (it is cheap and readily available) and put it in a porous bag.

Use a dehumidifier
Moisture and dampness in any room can release unpleasant odors that develop due to humidity. These odors get trapped around the kitchen, near the washroom, and even on the wall curtains, rugs, and carpet in the room. A dehumidifier can maintain the room temperature and prevent this problem from worsening.

Declutter your living space
Too many boxes, excess furniture, or even hoarding unnecessary items in the room will also affect the temperature and moisture content. Declutter and rearrange your belongings in the room to limit the chances of mold developing in the corners.

Clean up the fridge
Refrigerators use compressed gas that circulates within the appliance to produce a cooling effect. Damaged compressors can also emit a foul smell, so have your appliances serviced occasionally. Also, ensure you don’t stock up the fridge with rotten foods, as these smells will stink up the place when you open the fridge door every single time.

Open the windows
Don’t stay cooped up inside without proper ventilation. Foul odor keeps circulating indoors and builds up if neglected for long periods. Open the windows in every room and allow a steady cross breeze to replenish the air indoors. Do this for a short time at periodic intervals.

Bake spices and simmer aromatic ingredients
Put your microwave or oven to good use by simply baking a few common herbs and spices. The aroma from these ingredients as they cook can help overcome foul odors or lingering smells in the kitchen and other living spaces. This is a quick short fix.

Use incense and diffuser sticks
Incense, scented candles, and aromatic diffusers can really help improve the air quality indoors. You can buy your favorite scents and explore different combinations for each room. Caution, don’t overdo these scents, as those who suffer from allergies may face a reaction to the strong smells.

Place a few dryer sheets
Dryer sheets have more than one purpose other than being used for laundry. For example, you can buy a bunch of them and hang individual sheets inside closets, cupboards, and other storage areas to absorb any foul odors that develop over time. And always remember to replace the sheets from time to time.

Clean up litter boxes
Don’t leave poop hanging around in litter boxes for too long. Instead, try and clean up as soon as your cat has done its business. Also, replace the dry litter periodically and rinse the bins every other week. These simple hygienic habits will prevent odor from forming and lingering around areas that you don’t frequently access.

Clean up soft surfaces
Bedding accessories, furnishings around the house, and other soft surfaces like carpets, upholstery, and furniture covers should also be thoroughly cleaned after regular use. Sweat, food stains, and other dirt and debris that accumulate on these surfaces can also cause foul odors to develop when left unchecked.

Unclog the garbage disposal
Garbage disposal units can emit a foul stench after processing everything that gets dumped down the drain. You can buy and place some aromatic fragrance disposal pods inside the intake pipe to prevent these foul odors from intensifying, especially with regular use.

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