6 activities to help through arthritis pain
Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed, causing severe stiffness and pain. These can be in the fingers, wrists, knees, and feet. There is no cure for the condition; however, there are ways to keep the flare-ups in check. Doing light activity is important to make sure the joints do not become too stiff. Read to know more about some safe activities arthritis patients can try. Knitting This is a gentle activity that involves a lot of movements in your fingers and wrist. A good exercise for those dealing with RA pain without having to do any heavy lifting in terms of exercise. Make sure to warm up your hands before starting the activity to ensure there are no flare-ups. Also, take lots of breaks and use soft wool to knit or crochet. Gardening A great outdoor activity to get some mobility workout during the day. Not only is it physically relaxing, but it also helps with calming nerves and is a great activity for mental stimulation. However, make sure that there is a stool to sit on when a break is needed. Yoga This helps in improving flexibility and range of motion, especially for RA patients.