6 unusual triggers for cold sores
A cold sore is a condition in which individuals develop blisters on or around their lips. These fluid-filled blisters are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which jumps from person to person through close contact or sharing items like lipstick or utensils. The virus gets activated and flared up by specific triggers every so often, resulting in an outbreak of cold sores. Here are some unusual triggers for cold sores: Sunlight The sun triggers some aspects of the herpes simplex virus to cause rabid cold sore outbreaks. The sun’s UV rays inflame and irritate the skin if exposed for too long. People with cold sores will suffer the irritation and inflammation caused by UV rays in the form of blisters in and around their lips. UV rays tend to suppress an individual’s immune system and activate or awaken the dormant elements of cold sores in some people. Apart from UV rays, freezing temperatures can also trigger blistering by drying up one’s lips. All in all, if an individual has cold sores already, they must avoid being exposed to the sun constantly. Fatigue People with cold sores who are exhausted or rundown are more likely to experience flare-ups of the condition.